Hi experts,
I have Qt5 with MSVS2013 32 bit and doing a threading application. When I run the program after some time I received the following “Debug error”. Do you have any idea about this error? Suggest me possible solution.
Debug Error!
Module: 5.0.0
File: globalqglobal.cpp
ASSERT: ‘!isShared in file q:qt5_workdirwsqtbase includeqtcore../../src/corelib/tools/qvect or.h, line 509
(Press Retry to debug the application)
Abort Retry Ignore
Microsoft Visual C++ Debug error
Hello Ronald,
To resolve that error, just to https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns and then run Autoruns. After that click on the Everything Tab, and then Look for the system 32 file in question. When you find it, uncheck the box to stop it from starting at startup.
Fletcher Hoss
Microsoft Visual C++ Debug error
The actual error is right at the bottom of the picture: “Assert !isShared in file qvector.h”. This is a bug in Visual C++. In short, the isShared was set, but the other thread released its copy before the reallocation finished. The function failed in assertion as isShared value is no longer valid.
This can happen for any multi-thread applications that share QVectors between threads.