Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 error in finish page

I have this long list of error when I want to install on my laptop Microsoft Visual Studion 2010 Professional. Nothing seems like to be good with this installer. I meet all the system requirements and I expected to work just fine. Can anyone help me please to fix this error ? What is the problem ?
Thank you experts !

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Setup – Finish page
Setup Failed There were errors during setup.
Although some components were installed successfully errors were detected. View error Logs
Truobleshoooting Tips
For information on know setup issue, see Microsoft Visual Studio reading file, readme.htm located at the root of the installation sources.
Visit Microsoft Help and Support site for Knowledge Base articles on truobleshooting the installatio of Visual Studio 2010
To find Help from Visual Studio Users, try the following newsgroups”
Visual Studio Setup
Microsoft Product Support
For the details this setup failure, see the setup log file.