In Microsoft Visual Studio I am getting this error all time. Why this is happening over here. Does somebody know how to solve this? Need assistance please.
Could not load type
‘telerik.Sitefinity.Thunder.VsProjects.ProjectFactories.Website Templates.GeneralPropertyPage’ from assembly ‘Telerik.Sitefinity.Thunder, Version=5.0.3041.0, Culture=neutral
PublicKey Token=b28c218413bdf563’.
Microsoft Visual Studio I am getting this error all time
Hi there
This may be because of incomplete installation or mismatch file version. To resolve this try
1st Install service pack 1 for all the visual studio
2nd Remove Microsoft synchronization for program
Note – you can do this by going to Add/Remove programs in control panel and reinstall same this link
Best of Luck
Taylor B Campos,
Thank You
Microsoft Visual Studio I am getting this error all time
You may resolve this issue to build the application by performing one of the following actions.
1. Run the following command using the C# command line compiler.
csc /t:library /r:System.web.dll /out:mydll.dll myfile.c
2. To build the application click on the Build menu in the Microsoft Visual Studio.
For the Web User Control the best solution of this scenario is that, Microsoft will require CodeBehind in the page, if you are using "ASP.NET Web Application". In the way of the Web Site the compiler will require CodeFile instead. This is very troublesome but the right solution for this scenario.