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Posted on - 08/14/2011
I had been working on a C# project for some time now. When I try to debug the C# project code, in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 I get an error message.
I recently had a virus infection because of which, I cleaned up my machine. I guess there could be some files related to MS Visual Studio. I am able to run the other entire projects fine, since their code is built in C++.
Thanks for your help.
Microsoft Visual Studio
Unable to break execution. This process is not currently executing
the type of code that you selected to debug.
Microsoft Visual Studio Unable to break execution
It’s hard to tell the exact reason of the problem, based on the minimal information you gave. Does this only happen on a particular project? Or maybe particular block of code or is it randomly showing up?
Have you tried using ADPlus to get much more information about the problem?
ADplus is a tool, built by Microsoft Product Support Services. It can troubleshoot a process (in your case VS) or application that stops hangs, fails or crashes.
Try to disable all you VS plug-in.
Run detached then attach from Windbg.
Try these troubleshooting tips and also try to get back and provide much more information.