Microsoft Word is a one kind of MS Office.

Hi Ashim,
I think you are asking about that how one can upgrade the version of MS Word like there are many versions i.e. 2003, 2007, 2010. And for this, here is my suggestion for you or you may call it a solution, for it is that my friend, there is only one package of version.
If you are installing or downloading MS Office 2003 then MS Word, MS Excel and all others are in 2003 but if you want to improve it then there is a process in which you can download the new version of MS office not only MS Word.
So on the internet, search out new versions of MS Office like 2007 or 2010 and then download and then enjoy the new features.
MS Word and MS Office are both software installed in Windows. Those who are used to old version of Windows they would be surprised to open MS Word 2007 version.
Technically, its every tool, options usage and activity is adjustable. It is easier and usable than all of previous versions.Â
There have been similarities between MS Word and Windows Vista. Before installing MS Word 2007 you must install MS Office 2007.The suppliers of computer institutions had been installed with Windows XP's Service Pack 2 or Service pack 3 by order.
MS Office 2007 is selling in a very reduced price in DVD or in CD in the market. Microsoft Company had released a package in the market named Office 2007 Portable. You can use this Office 2007 Portable without installation.
Now, tell me what you are thinking?Â