I am getting this error when I try to edit Word documents even I have checked by reinstall this program but I can’t access the full features of Microsoft Word document. What should I do now? Has any idea or solution? Thanks for any assistance.
Microsoft Word Web App
Word Web App cannot open this document for editing because it currently being edited by another user.
Microsoft Word Web App error
Hi Matthew!
The problem is with the Task Manager process that Office uses. Now, the Office pack caches all the document for faster viewing, especially online, with the Word Web application. When you are opening the application online, it puts a lock on the document you are working on, so that nobody else can interfere with your work. This is a good thing, except that the lock may persist even if you close your document.
What's there to do? Simply close the Task manager process, called "MSOSYNC.EXE", which is the cache copy of your document. If you want to delete all the cached files on your local computer, open the Upload Center and click the Delete Cached Files button. Click it again when it prompts for confirmation and then your document should work.
Good luck!