Migrating from a desktop to netbook

Hello friends
I am planning to migrate from a desktop to a netbook. Getting accustomed to the new form may not be easier. Can we make transition a lot easier by adding any peripherals?

Hello friends
I am planning to migrate from a desktop to a netbook. Getting accustomed to the new form may not be easier. Can we make transition a lot easier by adding any peripherals?
Hi Howel Dinh,
   Well, adjusting to a new environment is pretty easy actually. If you are just that determined, then I guess you will be able fit in or accustomed to another kind of environment would be like a walk in the park if you know what I mean. Anyway, there is not so much difference in a laptop and a desktop. It is just the smaller version of the keyboard, and the touchpad, or the mouse version of the laptop might be quite a difference between the two. Probably, the smaller display screen would differ somehow, but still, you can manage it. Anyway, you will be handle it.
With regards to the mouse and keyboard, you can just replace it, or use another peripheral. Well, there is a smaller keyboard, or should I say a portable version of the keyboard, and a mouse can be bought as an alternative for the mouse and keyboard of a laptop.Wll, you can probably find these peripherals in a nearby computer store. There are USB versions of these peripheral anyway which is compatible to any laptop.And the best thing is they are cheap.
Well, hope this helps.
>>Mathew Joni<<