Migrating from PowerBuilder to Java based application

Is it possible to migrate from PowerBuilder applications to Java Based application? Or will it require any Open source? If possible, please explain to me how to get it done?

Is it possible to migrate from PowerBuilder applications to Java Based application? Or will it require any Open source? If possible, please explain to me how to get it done?
Hi Jamie,
I work with SoftSol and we have a tool to convert PowerBuilder Application into JSF Based J2EE application with minimum or no manual refactoring. Â
The translated J2EE components are built using industry standard open source Myfaces components to handle rich UI Lookup. All PowerBuilder functions are translated into equivalent java functions with same hierarchy as in PowerBuilder functions.
The website www.modernizenow.com has a better explanation of the transformation architecture. Â Feel free to ping me if you have any questions and good luck with your research!