I have done Migration old report to new Nexus 2.3.0. and encountered this error. How to fix it? Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks in advance.
The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request
Nexus returned an Error: Error 500: Server Error
Migration old report to new Nexus 2.3.0. and encountered this error
There is a possibility of having an invalid file under the sonatype-work/nexus/storage/sgcib-pre-closing-maven2-hosted-releases/.nexus/attributes/com/sgcib/caf/opm/preclosingdirectory.
Please try renaming the directory to preclosing.old After which, check if the problem still persists.
Migration old report to new Nexus 2.3.0. and encountered this error
Nexus might be consuming 1.5TB of disk space and you do not have enough space on your partition. Check on this volume as this may be full and may be the reason for this issue:
Try to free some space and then restart the server. And then, schedule a repair index so it will run over the repositories. To do this, go to the Administration/Scheduled Tasks and then click Add and choose Repair Repositories and then Run Once.