Mini X Tv Box ?

What is this Mini X TV Box? Is this a device, if it is a device how to use this device for watching TV show ? Does anyone have idea on how to use this.

What is this Mini X TV Box? Is this a device, if it is a device how to use this device for watching TV show ? Does anyone have idea on how to use this.
       Mini X TV Box is a converter which converts TV to a multifunction smart TV.  It is android. By using of it, you can now do everything on your flat screen T.V like view streaming favorite shows, internet surfing, can use coolest applications from the Google Android Market, Games etc. This is an android and created by Google so for you to use this you need latest TV that capable to run android gadgets.  You just connect it to the T.V and you can use it. You can attach external drive where you placed your files that you want to run on it. For the full specs of this device here