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Posted on - 11/08/2011
What can I do when Missing administrator log in windows XP. Does any one help me?
Missing administrator log in windows XP
Hi, hope the follow could help.
By default, on the welcome screen under Normal Mode of MSWindows XP Professional and Home, login to administrator account option simply does not available. But you could log in as administrator under Safe Mode.
You could try these steps.
1. First, download Windows XP Power Tools with TweakUI and install it.
2. Open TweakUI . Click Start, choose ‘Power Tools’.
3. Choose Login>Login Settings>Show ‘‘Administrator’ on Welcome Screen'.
4. Ok.
Missing administrator log in windows XP
Hello Mike,
That means that you have not set one, and therefore you will need to set up the administrator login account. You will need to follow the following simple procedure to create the administrator login account:
On your computer ClickStart, then click Control Panel from the list of programs.
ClickUser Accounts in the control panel and then Click Create a New Account.
Choose the account whereby computer administrators can change all computer settings.
Choose the option that limits the users to only modify the passwords for their own user accounts.
Then pick an account type by using either Computer Administrator or Limited and then click the Create Account button.
You will have successfully created your administrator login account.
Mahesh Babu
Missing administrator log in windows XP
I tell you the matter again windows XP has many types of co version that is like XP home, or like XP professional. They are little bit different from each other.
Though the other version I mean co version of XP have that kind of option but the home and professional not have this kind of option in normal mode but there is good news for you it is about the safe mode.
You have the ultimate option of log in to the administrator. So when you start your pc and press “f4” button. You see a black window come up there at the top you will see the option safe mode. Go there and you will find your path.