Missing Microsoft word tool bar

Asked By 200 points N/A Posted on -


I have a little computer training Centre and recently, I got some completely novice students. As I leave them alone with the PC sometimes, they tend to explore new things about the computer.

Recently I found out that  my "MS Word" is missing its toolbars. e. g:(bold,italic,center, align. etc). How can i get the toolbars back? as it is a really essential one.

Anyone help me please.

Best Answer by doglus
Answered By 0 points N/A #110095

Missing Microsoft word tool bar


The first thing you want to check is, that you are not in full screen mode. Because when MS Word is in full screen mode, it does not show any tool bar.

So hit the escape (Esc) key on your keyboard. Check if it works.

Answered By 200 points N/A #110096

Missing Microsoft word tool bar


Thanks mate. But it didn't work. Is there any other way?

Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #110097

Missing Microsoft word tool bar


Well I hope you made sure that your toolbars are "checked" to be shown in view menu.

If they are checked, to be shown but are not appearing on the screen, then you should try customizing the toolbar.

To do that:

1. Go to Tools menu.

2. Click customize

3. Click on the Toolbar tab

4. Select the toolbar that is missing and press the reset button.

See if it works.

Good luck


Answered By 200 points N/A #110098

Missing Microsoft word tool bar


Well it helped to some extent. But there is another problem now in addition. I can see some toolbars now, but they are not stable.

They are going off and coming back all the time.

Please help me. It's annoying.

Answered By 0 points N/A #110099

Missing Microsoft word tool bar



I was saving the final treatment for a great purpose.

Now since everything else has failed to do the trick, you have no choice but making up your windows registry. The data folder most probably, is corrupt . Don't panic. It's safe if you do it carefuly.  Just do it as i say/write:


1. Press start button and select run.

2. Type regedit on the run window.

3. Open the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER

4. Open Software Microsoft Office 9.0 Word.

5. In Word folder, look for a folder named "Data". Once you find it, right click on it and select "export registry file".

6. A 'save as' box will come up. Save the registry files to a folder for safety reasons(in case we need them later).

7. Now delete the data folder (just right click on it and select delete).

8. Now close the registry editor and start MS Word. See if it works.

9. If yes, then you can permanently delete the registry files you saved earlier.

10. If not, then please make a post informing me. I'll try to solve it in a different way.

Good luck dude !


Answered By 200 points N/A #110100

Missing Microsoft word tool bar


Thanks for the great help buddy. It worked finally. All the toolbars are back.

Thank you .. thank you


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