I have an iPhone 3GS which I upgraded to iOS 5. Afterwards, the + sign on the calendar application or the feature that will let me add a new message or calendar alert is missing. The result is, I cannot add another entry in my calendar but searching on Google helps me resolve the problem. Google advised me to turn the iCloud calendar feature on but I do not want to do it using iCloud. Is there any other way or any alternative for this? Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thank you.
Answered By
lee hung
75 points
Missing + sign on iCalendar
Hello Sophia Turner,
In case you synced your iphone 3GS recently using iTunes, then that process could be the one that could have caused the plus sign to disappear, and therefore I will suggest that you try restoring backup and see if the plus will come back.
Otherwise you might be left with no option but to use the icloud feature on the icalendar, which another way that I know that you use to retrieve the plus sign so that you can be able to add new messages. You will just need to turn the icloud feature ON for you to see the plus sign.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung