Missing Windows hal.dll file. what is the reason?

I don’t know how and why most of the time I open my computer a message come says “Windows hal.dll file is missing”. Help me.

I don’t know how and why most of the time I open my computer a message come says “Windows hal.dll file is missing”. Help me.
The missing or cannot find hal.dll, which is always exist in windowssystem32hal.dll, or winntsystem32hal.dll error message may be seen on Microsoft Windows XP OS when the boot.ini becomes corrupted or when you are attempting to dual boot a computer. Remember that the file hal.dll is not easily deleted.
So find out boot.ini file in your computer by searching whether it is missing or it is corrupted. And also see that hal.dll file to make sure that it is exist.
You can simply solve the problem by re-installing your windows by windows installation disk. Re-install means not to delete your partition just re-install it so your old file will exist.
The hal.dll file is a hidden file that is used by Windows XP to communicate with your computer's hardware. Hal.dll can become damaged, corrupted or deleted for a number of reasons and is usually brought to your attention by the missing or corrupt hal.dll error message.
Follow these easy steps to restore the damaged/corrupted or missing hal.dll file from the Windows XP CD using the Recovery Console.
Time Required: Restoring hal.dll from the Windows XP CD usually takes less than 15 minutes.
When you reach the command line prompt (detailed in Step 6 in the link above), type the following and then press Enter: expand d:i386hal.dl_ c:windowssystem32
Using the expand command as shown above, d represents the drive letter assigned to the optical drive that your Windows XP CD is currently in. While this is most often d, your system could assign a different letter. Also, c:windows represents the drive and folder that Windows XP is currently installed on. Again, this is most often the case but your system could be different.
If you're prompted to overwrite the file, press Y.
Take out the Windows XP CD, type exit and then press Enter to restart your PC.
Assuming that a missing or corrupt hal.dll file was your only issue, Windows XP should now start normally.
Hi Lincon,
The problem with missing dll most of the time results when the registry settings for the certain application that you are trying to access have been tampered with or you mistakenly deleted them or they have been corrupt as a result of a virus attack.
But in this case it seems that it is the operating system that has been affected, so your windows application registry files have been corrupt as result of infection or any other reason or they are missing as a result of mistakenly being deleted.
You will have to run the windows system repair tool to fix, or alternatively troubleshoot the problem by going to the windows help center, and just follow the instructions for troubleshooting problems with missing dlls.
Lee Hung
If you take a look at what Microsoft says about ‘Missing dll’ files as in this example:
As well as this one, you’ll learn that there are many reasons and some of it are:
(1) Hall.dll is missing from your PC.
(2) It might be corrupted.
(3) The path at Windows to hall.dll is either missing or incorrect.
So, first I advise you to verify that the file itself isn’t missing, if it isn’t then take a copy to it from another identical Windows system that you trust (a friend etc.) and try to replace that file with a ‘fresh’ intact one, and if that doesn’t help then the problem is probably with a defected Windows registry entry trying unsuccessfully to ‘call’ this dll due to a wrong/missing path, in that case you’ll need to detect and correct that registry entry.
Hope that helps.