Mobile Firmware Safe Format Options
I’m not sure if formatting your mobile phone will do any harm to its firmware. Formatting a mobile phone does not affect its firmware. I think you can not replace your mobile phone’s operating system.
You can upgrade your phone’s firmware so it can adapt well to new applications and devices and to function more efficiently but replacing the operating system, I think not.
Even if you make it possible, it will surely make the phone unstable unless you are sure that the phone will be compatible with the operating system you are putting.
Formatting your mobile phone doesn’t really affect its installed firmware. The only thing that is affected if you do this on your device is the data it contains. If you don’t create a backup copy of your phone’s entire data, all of them will be destroyed.
The reason why the firmware is not affected during the format is that it is installed directly into the hardware of the device and not on the storage container.
When you upgrade the firmware of a device, the information or data is written directly into the hardware. It is what makes a device work just like in Apple iPhone’s iOS. The iOS is the operating system that runs iPhones devices and even if you format the device, the operating system is not affected.
The only time that it is affected is during a bad firmware upgrade using a bad upgrade file.