Mobile phones to replace cash and cards

Hi! Will the government still make money and coins if specialists have already seen and predicted that direct to the mobile phone transaction is very possible in the near future? Thanks.

Hi! Will the government still make money and coins if specialists have already seen and predicted that direct to the mobile phone transaction is very possible in the near future? Thanks.
Money and coins are always important in transaction. This is the best transaction method. Though mobile phone transaction is becoming popular but still needs some more time replace the monetary transaction. Mobile phone transaction is a very promising idea. But still it needs to get the trust of people. It is estimated that mobile phone transaction can replace the money and coins by 2016. This transaction has a great prospect in future. It is seen that almost half of all mobile users purchase something via mobile in each three months. So mobile phone transaction is showing it's promises to become the most popular method of transaction and is going to replace money and coins in near future.