Asked By
joan d vogt
10 points
Posted on - 09/25/2012
The model of communication and coordination LINDA has encountered a problem. It has faced an access violation. If you have any idea for this issue please help me to fix it.
Access violation at address 0061A1BB in module 'LINDA.exe'.
Read of address 000001B0.
The model of communication and coordination LINDA has encountered a problem
Access violation error is nothing but a program trying to access the part of the RAM which is used by the other program. In short access violation occurs when two programs simultaneously access the registry address. Same is the case with the LINDA. To overcome this problem you need to restart your computer and run registry clean software.
Click for registry clean software:
Try to download the latest version of Linda form here:
Thank you.
The model of communication and coordination LINDA has encountered a problem
Hello Joan,
That could a problem with the port numbers. Sometimes the port number alters between COM3 and COM4, and therefore you will need to close the error message and then change COM3 to COM4 and see if that will resolve the issue. If the problem persists you may need to try a reinstallation.