Modem ADSL Tx Rx light blinking

In an ADSL modem, what is the problem if the light indicator on TX/RX has no light and the link is blinking?

In an ADSL modem, what is the problem if the light indicator on TX/RX has no light and the link is blinking?
The number and the names of indicators in an ADSL modem are not the same, each vendor will put some different names in its product, but still there is some standard that they need to follow.
Usually you will have the power indicator, it will indicates if the modem is on or off.
Also you can find the Link and/or synchronization indicator, if it is fix (not blinking), this mean that you have a good physical connection to you internet provider, if it is blinking, this means that you have a problem.
The TX/RX indicator will blink only if your connection is OK and there a data transfer through your line.
In your case, it should be a problem in your line connection from your provider to your modem, it can be internal, just from the connection box to your modem, you can check it by yourself, and it may be external, you need to contact your provider to fix it.
Thank you