Module for Access VBA read image from table
Will Access VBA read image from table, if so please sent me the module that will read a value directly from an Access  table using VBA code?
Will Access VBA read image from table, if so please sent me the module that will read a value directly from an Access  table using VBA code?
Hi Rosellas Phillips,
Please find the below code snippet that may help your problem. This reads table as a record set.
Sub Readdb()
  Dim d As Database
  Dim r As Recordset
  Dim Price As Field, Qty As Field, UnitCost As Field
  Set d = CurrentDB()
  Set r = d.OpenRecordset("TableName")
  Set Price = r.Fields("Price")
  Set Qty = r.Fields("Qty")
  Set UnitCost = r.Fields("UnitCost")
  While Not r.EOF
   Price = Qty * UnitCost
End Sub
Hope it helps
Here's the code that you will need!
You will open a record, set object, find the record, and edit the field:
Code Snippet
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Set db=CurrentDB()
strSQL=""SELECT YourNumericField FROM YourTable WHERE … YourCondition=…. ""
set rst=db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenDynaset)
With rst
  If .RecorCount>0 Then
     !YourNumericField = Your value
  End If
End With