Monitor displays differently from other monitor

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

My monitor color display is different from other monitor. My monitor has some violet gradient. What could cause this problem? Recently I cleaned my computers from dusts and disassembled my desktop computer to remove the dust that is inside the CPU and behind the monitor. My monitor is a CRT. If anyone has some answers, please help me with this one. My eyes are distracted and I can't work on my Desktop.

Thank you.


Answered By 0 points N/A #85809

Monitor displays differently from other monitor


Try using a different monitor on your system and see if it will show the same result. If the other monitor shows normal colors then you need to have your monitor fixed by a technician since the problem might be related to the picture tube. This problem is usually seen on old CRT monitors and television. 

Technician's needs to degauss the picture tube to fix this. Though this problem is fixable, you might want to consider buying a new monitor since after a few months this problem is bound to show again.

If the other monitor displays the same as your original monitor, try re-seating your video card and check the cable connections if anything is loose.

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