Monitoring JVM SNMP Ubuntu server

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -

I want to monitor JVM SNMP Ubuntu server that runs multiple Java processes, each of the Java process is independent & will have different SNMP counter.

I am searching for a simple monitoring tool that will ask the SNMP manager on that host without knowing port for each Java process.

Please advice.

Answered By 0 points N/A #149871

Monitoring JVM SNMP Ubuntu server


As you want to monitor JVM SNMP Ubuntu server that runs multiple Java processes so you should choose a SNMP to monitor your servers and during your stay on the internet, you may use a MIB done by Oracle for monitoring a JVM, JVM-MANAGEMENT-MIB. It is possible to get a secured server using these tools. Keep enjoying!

JVM SNMP Ubuntu server

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