More About Connection String Data Source

Hi, I am Mohini, a class 12 student. Can you explain to me that what are the data sources and their types? Also, what is the role of connection strings?

Hi, I am Mohini, a class 12 student. Can you explain to me that what are the data sources and their types? Also, what is the role of connection strings?
A data source is composed of data source type, connection information, and the type of methods to use.
There are two types of data sources:
1) Embedded data source
It is the data source that is defined in the report and used only by it.
2) Shared data source
It is the data source that is defined independently and can be used by many reports.
Connection strings can be known as the text representation of connection properties.
For example,
DATA SOURCE: SQL Server database on the local server
EXAMPLE: data source=”(local)”;initial catalog=AdventureWorks