More holes for attacker means that your system will not be attacked?

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

It is best practice that before you switch on to any network, the services which are not required should be disabled. It provides the more hole creation. If more holes are created, will the system be more secure? How can we disable service for Linux?

Answered By 0 points N/A #87997

More holes for attacker means that your system will not be attacked?



It's actually very odd to think that way, because anyone could tell you that getting more holes in your network , which in term of security are called vulnerabilities , will make the job of an attacker easier, of course a best practice for your company network is to open the services only when you need it. Do not rely only on this procedure, make sure to regularly check your log files for any odd activities you can notice because these log files contain all the information about the action that are being taken within your network.! Get used to troubleshoot your system and test its ability to overcome serious problems.

Hope this helps!!

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