The most secure phone ever exist: Tripleton Enigma E2

A phone conversation that is impossible to leak out with Tripleton Enigma E2 is now on the market, what makes its security program unique?

A phone conversation that is impossible to leak out with Tripleton Enigma E2 is now on the market, what makes its security program unique?
Dear Pat,
Tripleton Enigma E2 phone comprises new technology by which two-way encryption is fixed on mobile phone i.e. encryption is set at both receiver and sender end.
This phone is highly important for military, defence or a corporate user whose information is quite discreet and costly to loose and not for youngsters who are afraid of losing their personal information as it costs around $400.
The Tripleton Enigma E2 is a lighter, faster, thinner, and more powerful next generation secure mobile phone. This is the successor to Enigma which still maintains the cutting edge security with new elegant styling, advanced phone book, email, big clear color display, and web browser which all uses GPRS connectivity.
Unlike with the usual mobile phones that support quad band, the Enigma E2 secure phone is a tri-band phone supporting 900, 1800, and 1900 MHz. It measures 115 x 50 x 14.7 millimeters and weighs 94.5 grams. It has 2.4-inch TFT display with 256K colors at 240 x 320 pixels screen resolution.
It has a CMOS camera with 3.0 megapixels and a microSD card slot expandable up to 8 GB. It supports playback of MP4 files. It supports SIM Tool Kit class 1, 2, 3; USB 2.0 mass storage; USB universal charging; improved MMS and SMS; unified message box; Bluetooth with multiple profiles; WAP 2.0; FM radio; MP3 tone alert; and music playback.
For more information on how the phone works, go to Tripleton Enigma 2 FAQ. The page explains how the phone really works. Here are some pros and cons. For the pros, it offers world class call encryption levels; excellent call quality in encrypted calls; dialing and conversation bears minimal delay; and self destructs internal security SIM if tampered with.
For the cons, it requires two handsets to make encrypted calls; featured with basic phone design and build quality; and strikingly expensive. Its reviewed price is around 1,320 pounds or roughly around $1,648.