Most secure Smartphone in the world:
Malware for cell phones could pose a greater risk for consumer's personal and financial well-being than computer viruses, study says.So which smartphone is most secure?
Malware for cell phones could pose a greater risk for consumer's personal and financial well-being than computer viruses, study says.So which smartphone is most secure?
All mobile like windows mobile, blackberry, iPhone or like they have distinct strengths and weaknesses. But you need to remember that it is mostly up to the user who use the mobile also on the configuration of the password.
To provide more security you can use mobile antivirus or mobile internet security. You should not setup entrusted, unknown, unnecessary app to avoid most risk. Some bad app has a thing called back door to piracy your information. You can search via Google for more information and can also visit this wonderful web site
Thank you very much.
About 56% of the top 20 smartphones on the market are running outdated and insecure versions of the Android operating system. Furthermore, despite the prevalence of two-year contracts with carriers, most manufacturers cease updating their phones after they’ve been on the market for just one year.
According to a recent study of the world’s 20 most popular smartphones, the least secure models (in order) are the Samsung Galaxy Mini, HTC Desire, Sony Ericsson Xperia X10, Sanyo Zio, and HTC Wildfire. These phones followed in order of decreasing insecurity: Samsung Epic 4G, LG Optimus S, Samsung Galaxy S, Motorola Droid X, LG Optimus One, Motorola Droid 2, and HTC Evo 4G.
There are also some Android smartphones that are more secure than others. The top 20 smartphones studied showing as most secure were the Samsung Nexus S, HTC Droid Incredible, Samsung Galaxy S2, HTC Sensation, and the T-Mobile G2.
In general, end users are still cautioned to use trusted sites if they wish to download applications. Android Market is said to be a trusted site for the Android Smartphones but then again, it is the user’s risk if they would continue. Better yet, avoid downloading unnecessary applications specially if not needed.
There are sites where you can find various information on the applications you might wish to use and it will also educate you if it will work properly on the specific model that you have.
Here are some sites which might help you in your inquiry: