The most suggested remote control PC

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


Online IM doesn't seem to be helpful all the time since some actions are hard to explain in a chat. I am away from family and my sister keeps on disturbing me about something wrong with the PC at home. She really can't explain it in particular which makes it hard for me to identify the problem of our PC. I want to do a remote control PC so I can just do it myself. Any suggestions on the best remote control PC that my sister and I can use? 


Best Answer by Guy V Mohr
Answered By 10 points N/A #167311

The most suggested remote control PC


Hello Payne,

There is a great solution for your problem. Use Team Viewer software.

Team Viewer
The all in one software for remote support and online meetings. It is fully secure. But make sure that both PC should have the same version of this software.
Through the internet, remote control any computer or Mac using Team Viewer. 
Hope this will solve your problem.
Thank you.
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #167312

The most suggested remote control PC



TeamViewer is an expert remote access and assistance request above all aimed by the side of the venture and officials. However, an on the house version is meant for confidential function which contains many of the same skin texture as in the export versions. If you are a venture looking meant for a remote assistance solution, TeamViewer practically priced and far above the ground quality picking. 

I actually enjoy it because in the house I can help my wife.

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