MotoActv measures your physical activities

The MOTOACTV is a smartwatch dedicated and customized to fitness training and it contains applications to track a person’s running, cycling and other training activities, a GPS to measure the distance, time, calories burnt and the heart rate when performing your activity.
The gadget has Bluetooth capabilities that can keep you updated with your Android smartphone, an FM Tuner and an MP3 Player.
Basically physical training a good for your health and this smartwatch comes with these features that help you track yourself, listen to your favorite training music, have an audio coach to guide and keep you going, with the MOTOACTV Training Portal, you can program your training and all this with a touchscreen display unit.
The price ranges from $ 249.99 to $ 399.99 depending on the edition you would like (Personal Training, Golf or Multi-sport).
The Motoactv or also known as the MOTOACTV is actually a SmartWatch created by Motorola. It includes several software applications and hardware features mainly designed for fitness training. It contains applications used in monitoring athletic activity with its integrated accelerometer which measures strides. It also has a GPS that is used in measuring the distance.
The SmartWatch can also be synchronized with a Speed/Cadence Bike Sensor through its ANT+ technology. The device is also featured with a Bluetooth technology that enables it to be paired with external devices like a pulse sensor, or with Bluetooth stereo headphones via Bluetooth 4.0. When the SmartWatch is paired or connected to a Smartphone, it will display calendar alerts, caller ID, and text messages. You can also add plug-ins for weather, Twitter, and Facebook. This is very similar to the Sony SmartWatch.
The Motorola MOTOACTV
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