Moving OWA files to some other IP in the same server

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Hi, I just want to move up my OWA files to some other IP in the same server in the Exchange 03. It is on the W2K3 server. I need to build up another website on this existing server that must have the different IP. Is there any solution to accomplish this task?

Answered By 55 points N/A #104846

Moving OWA files to some other IP in the same server


What are you basically trying to achieve here? If your goal is to achieve higher performance, then you can install CAS and move your OWA there. But there is a traditional way that you must get a second server in order to achieve that.

If you have no performance issues and you just want to make a second server or if you have security measures to do for safeguarding data then you can try adding CAS in DMZ to put the exchange behind a firewall.

But it is a very hefty process, you have to use a virtual machine in order to achieve this task. But I would advise you to get a dedicated server with lots of VPS and use it for this purpose.

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