MS-Excel file cant repair error

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

Hello experts,

MS excel file is not open it shows an error, file cant repairable and data is damage.


Repairs to'42.xls'
Error were detected in '42.xls,' but Microsoft Office Excel was able
to open the file by making the repairs listed below. Save the file to
make these repairs permanent.
Damage to the file was so extensive that repairs were not possible. Excel attempted
to recover your formulas and values, but some data may have been lost or corrupted.

How to recover that data because it is very important to me.

Best Answer by Carl Jack
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 10 points N/A #134580

MS-Excel file cant repair error


Hello James,

Is it just one file that is bringing the error or the whole Ms Excel package, because it could be just one file that is having the issues because it could be corrupt or the extension that you used to save is not supported my MS Excel. But if the whole MS Excel is having issues, you will need to troubleshoot as follows:

  • Install CCleaner on your computer.
  • Run CCleaner and then repair any registry entry problems as well as errors with broken files on your computer.
  • Also run the Disk Cleanup utility to eliminate all unused as well as broken files on your computer.

After you have done the above, try executing MS Excel and see if it works well.




Answered By 5 points N/A #134581

MS-Excel file cant repair error


Hi James,

Have you tried to open your excel file on another excel version? This error happens when you open a workbook in Excel 2003. It occurs even though you have opened the workbook without problems on the previous version of Excel. The workbook you are trying to open may still work on the previous version even if it is damaged or corrupted. To fix this, you need to have two copies of Excel on the same computer and then copy and paste your data from your workbook to the previous version of Excel to a new workbook in Excel 2003.

Hope it will work…

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