MS Outlook Not Responding: offlb.exe Issue

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

I have Exchange Server which I usually use my Outlook 2007 in it. My MS Outlook is not responding. It hangs for like 2 minutes and then it responds again and it hangs again after 5 to 6 minutes. It is irritating me.

It also hangs even though it is minimized. If I wanted to restore it from being minimized, it cannot be restored within a minute. If I write a message, it hangs again. The cursor is gone preventing me from typing further and comes back once again.

A text saying offlb.exe appears when Outlook hangs. Is it an error message or what? When Outlook responded, that text disappears and comes back as a cycle.

I don’t understand what this error is all about. It doesn’t seem connected to Microsoft Outlook or is it really the cause for this error? What is offlb.exe and what does it mean? Please help me.

Best Answer by Crawly math
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 5 points N/A #104043

MS Outlook Not Responding: offlb.exe Issue


Offlb.exe is Microsoft’s Office Program Recovery program. When you install Microsoft office package software, it is installed in the PC automatically. All software stores data in the PC’s system registry.

When any software’s intrusion or any conflict happens it hampers the normal working flow of the office package or other windows package and hangs them.

Then offlb.exe comes in fourth and generates an error. There is no way to uninstall the offlb.exe as it is part of office 2007 package & it is an office recovery system. If you even stop the process in Windows Task manager (Ctrl+Alt+Delete), it will be generated again the next time you restart the PC and when any of Microsoft’s program problem is occurred. Below I have given suggestions which can stop the offlb.exe error.

Suggestion 1:

As the offlb.exe is installed with office 2007 package, uninstall it. Use the latest version of office (2010), but use the custom setup to install only the Outlook program and work with it.

Suggestion 2:

Temporary files sometimes open with the Microsoft official software, and hang the PC. Use registry cleaner, CC cleaner to clear all the temporary files.

Suggestion 3:

Sometimes recently installed other program/software hangs the normal loading of office software. Check which software you installed just before the error appeared and uninstall it. Do the same for any office package related Plugin or update.

Suggestion 4:

Uninstall all the unnecessary programs that starts when the PC Boots up.

Suggestion 5:

If you installed any printer driver or other devices recently, uninstall it. If the Outlook and exchange server starts working again, do not use or install the printer or device. Get the update driver of that device and then install it. If the device still conflicts with office program and gives ofilb.exe error then use other printer or device which does not make any conflict.


Crawly Math

Answered By 20 points N/A #104044

MS Outlook Not Responding: offlb.exe Issue


Crawly Math,

Your suggestions helps me fix the error that occurs in my computer. It made my MS outlook respond properly. Thank you.

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