MSE does not install. How to do it?

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


A recent MSE client update on my netbook locked up so I cancelled it.

I tried to reinstall but I am getting a strange error code which is 0x8004FF83

Used CC to perform some TLC (took out 350kb) &  a registry cleaner removed 2000 errors = It is much faster now, I am downloading AVG which is better than having nothing at all. 

Any ideas?

Thank you

Answered By 0 points N/A #138357

MSE does not install. How to do it?


In installing MSE (Microsoft Security Essentials), this depends on the version of Windows that you are currently using.

If you are using Windows XP you need to use the Add/Remove Programs.

You can find this program in the Control Panel. Find the Add/Remove Programs and double click the button. You will find a box that reads “Currently Installed Programs”, click Remove the Microsoft Security Essentials. A prompt message will ask you to confirm the removal of MSE, click Yes.

Then, follow the steps provided. Go for free download.

Then follow the steps on how to install Microsoft Security Essentials.

For Windows 7, you may use the Norton Removal Tool. This is used to remove current products that were installed in you computer. You need to uninstall MSE and install it again.

Be sure to remove all AV software installed before proceeding to the steps on How To Install MSE.

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