MTC fails to install and update the drivers

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -


I have downloaded some updates for my drivers and this error appeared when I tried to install my LAN driver updates. Can anyone tell me please what could be the problem with this update ? Why is damaged since I downloaded from the official website ?

Thank you !

“MTC COM Bridge” is damaged and can’t be opened. You should move it to the Trash.

Answered By 10 points N/A #179982

MTC fails to install and update the drivers



Your application and driver aren't corrupted or damaged. This problem is causing because of an Mac OS application, know as Gatekeeper. This prevent  any third party apps installation which are not from enlisted and trusted sources. You can either :

  • Turn off the error massage pop ups. Or
  •  Permanently disable the Gatekeeper application.

Process of performing this options i have already described here

Before doing this you must be very sure about your skills and the host of apps, because by each way you will expose your system to the threats.  

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