Hi friends,
I get a message to restart the operating system after windows update. During the process Internet explorer is open, I got a warning message to close all the internet explorers before the windows restarts. What I have to do now? It gives me two options retry and cancel, which will be good to try. Please guide me to fix this. Thanks.
Reset IE Settings to Default…
There are currently one or more Internet Explorer windows open.
You must close down all Internet explorer windows before reset it to default.
Retry Cancel
Multiple Internet Explorer windows open after windows update
Hi Joseph
As it says you need to close all your Internet Explorer (IE) windows before proceeding. If you can see any of the IE windows open then simply hit the Cross at the top and close them.
If, however, you cannot see any visible windows, just the process maybe be running. In that case follow the below steps:
1. Go to Start menu and type Viewing Running Processes With task Manager. This will open up your Task Manager.
2. Search for the Process named iexplorer.exe.
3. Right click on iexplorer.exe and click on End Process button in the menu. It will prompt you to save your work and other such instructions.
4. Click on End Process button. This will close the IE process.
5. Make sure there are no remaining iexplorer.exe processes in the Running Processes.
The above steps should be enough to solve your problem.