I was using multiport USB port cable, with capability to hold further 5 more ports for connecting to the desktop, I was just curious to know the voltage distribution in those different ports with different number of attached USB devices, like if I attach 1 USB , 2 and so on.
Multiport USB, how Voltage is distributed?
Dear Coshaun James,
This is very intelligent question and requires some understanding of electrical field.
Keep in mind two points.
1) voltage remain same in parallel configuration.
2) current divide in parallel configuration.
When we connect a USB hub to computer ,then it is parallel configuration and voltage will remain same from 4.75 volts DC to 5.25 volt DC.
When we connect any device in electric circuit (in our example USB Hub) , it will draw current depending on the availability.
A conventional USB Hub can handle 500mA load or current in total. If we connect multiple devices to hub, then the total load /current will be divided according to need ( how much current is required to charge the device) and availability (how much current a USB Hub can provide which is maximum 500 mAÂ in total).
Now we have USB 3.0 standard hub available which can took more load.
Hope to answer the question