I am getting the following error in Avira again. I'll have to reboot my machine to see whether this is working for now. I can't work without the antivirus protection.
So, please help me to fix this.
I have attached a snapshot of the error below.
Thank you.
avcenter.exe – Bad Image
none_41e6975e2bd6f2b2COM CTL32.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains
an error. Try installing the program again using the original installation media or contact your
system vendor for support.
My Avira is not working again… How do I fix it?
The error already said what you are going to do to fix this problem, so for this one, Try to reboot the system. If the issue didn't resolve by rebooting, that is the time that you need to re-install your anti virus. For re-installing, be sure that you remove 100 % all the data before to install again. You may try also to use the latest version of avira to avoid errors. Be sure that to remove first the old version. After installing update the anti virus. This must be solved your problem. If you still encounter this error, please check your computer specs if it is compatible to the operating system of your computer that you are using. Good luck.