My Cd ROM is stuck

My CD-ROM is stuck because of the broken cd in it. Please tell me how to open it with without opening the computer cover because it is locked too and I don't have its key.

My CD-ROM is stuck because of the broken cd in it. Please tell me how to open it with without opening the computer cover because it is locked too and I don't have its key.
I can solve your problem so just follow things as I direct you.
No job I gift narrate you how to fix it in several seconds. Guide a file pi or a extendable harry. Activity for a tiny muddle on the CD ROM (ordinarily it is on forward committee). Unplug your PC and put the chivy in the mess on the first commission of the CD ROM. Cast the chivvy 1 or 2 nowadays the sledder testament originate out. Avow the dashed turn out and be Paradisal.
Most optical drives (CD-ROMS, DVD-ROM and writes alike) have a small slot in front that should take care of this kind of problem. It allows you to manually eject the tray if in case it is stuck. You just need to insert a pin in it and the tray should eject. If the problem though is caused by the broken CD itself blocking the mechanism, then you need to open up the optical drive to remove it. You may need special screw drivers for this or the help of a professional as this may not be a very easy task.