My computer is running slow I dont know how to fix it

There could be a number of issues causing your computer to be slow. The first thing you should check is how much RAM you have and what windows operating system you are running.
The higher the amount of RAM you have, the faster your computer will be. The other thing to check is any unnecessary files that are no longer used by the computer. Performing a Disk Cleanup can considerably increase your computer’s performance, hence, improved speeds.
A disk defragmentation is also a way to consolidate files into some certain areas and free space left on one end and this can have a great impact on the speed of your computer. Other things to check are any viral infections on your computer. Performing a thorough antivirus scan can also help you identify some causes of computer slowness in terms of any viruses that could be slowing down your machine.
Some antiviruse's are also causes of slow machines in that they require higher amount of RAM which takes you back to the first point discussed on increasing your RAM.
I hope this enlightens you.
Do you have a lot of startup items and background service running? If so, try to disable some or all of them and see if that improves the computer's performance. Do this through the system configuration utility.
Do you have enough memory as well as virtual memory?
Most of the systems these days have about 2 GB to 4GB of RAM installed on the system. Some applications require a system to have a page file to be able to function properly otherwise it will crawl. Having low page file size can affect the entire computer's performance. Make sure your page file size is about two and a half time more than your installed RAM.
Backup your files and reinstall your operating system.
There will be a time in the course of an operating system's functionality, especially Windows, when you will need to reinstall it due to too much data clutter.