My computer wouldn’t boot up and having Error 21

Hello guys, my computer wouldn’t boot up. I am getting error 21. What is this? I have DP55WG motherboard and using I Corsair 1.5 volt 2- 4 gig boards. Please help.

Hello guys, my computer wouldn’t boot up. I am getting error 21. What is this? I have DP55WG motherboard and using I Corsair 1.5 volt 2- 4 gig boards. Please help.
It would be much better if you also posted the kind of beep that you can hear on your computer when it boots. The beeping sound coming from the CPU when the computer doesn’t boot is very helpful in determining the cause of the problem. But since you did not include this information, let’s just assume some possibilities.
If when starting the computer the POST or Power-On Self-Test fails and then this error code appears on your screen the problem is not related to your operating system. There is simply a problem on one of the devices installed on your CPU. Turn off your CPU. Next, remove all RAM cards that are installed on your CPU then power on the computer. You should hear series of beeps coming from the CPU. Turn it off again then connect your RAM card on one of the slots. If you have more than 1 RAM card, connect only 1 then turn on the computer again. If the computer boots successfully after doing this, turn it off again then insert the other RAM card. You now have 2 RAM cards on your CPU. Turn on the computer again and see if it boots successfully.
If your computer failed to boot when the second RAM was inserted, turn it off again then remove the last RAM that you inserted. Replace this one with a new one since this is what’s causing the problem.
Hi Cathy,
Error 21 usually happens when a system file was corrupted due to virus or other damaging programs. Here are some of the solutions you could apply:
A. During booting up, press F8 and start window in "Safemode with Command Prompt or just Command Prompt". Type CD "C:WINDOWSsystem32" RMDIR splm /S.
B. Another way is if you are able to access the windows during safemode, use system restore. It is the best thing to do to recover your functioning file systems.
I hope this helps.