My Dell Inspiron 2650 gets error M1004

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

My laptop is displaying error M1004 and I cannot get rid of it. I have a Dell Inspiron 2650 and I tried to get help from Dell website, but it did not help. Can you help me with this?

Answered By 0 points N/A #150635

My Dell Inspiron 2650 gets error M1004


Hi all,

The mentioned problem is related to motherboards of Dell laptops and the main culprit is cooling mechanism that affect system performance. Basic check that you will need to confirm will include;

  1. All fans are working and thermistor
  2. Updated BIOS to A13
  3. OS is updated or newly installed
  4. If possible clear VRAM
  5. Run DELL diagonistics

The dell fan utility comes handy in most cases and you can run it from here. Prior to that its good to clear the heat sink paste and apply fresh one. It will be a good idea to use a low pressure compressed air on the CPU heat sink.


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