My harddrive is very noisy

Asked By 20 points N/A Posted on -

The hard disk drive that I am using is producing a loud noise that sound like a chirping noise.

How can I fix it without having to pull it on the CPU?

Best Answer by Cassi Flok
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #119940

My harddrive is very noisy


Try running free hard disk Diagnostic software such as Seagate Seatools, Hitachi Drive Fitness test, Samsung Hutil and more depending on your hard disk drive. You can search it on Google.

This diagnostic software can indicate bad sectors and stop your disk and OS to utilize it in the future. This is not to fix the hard drive but to get rid on the problems. If it doesn't solve the issue, backup your data and replace your hard drive. If it fix the noises, remember that this is just a temporary solution. There are still the possibilities that the drive will still have bad sectors and will become unusable in the future.
To fix the noises on your hard drive, you also need to replace it with new one.

Answered By 40 points N/A #119941

My harddrive is very noisy


I have also faced the same problem with my hardware recently. It is producing noises in recent days. I have downloaded all those software which is mentioned above. But nothing unusual is fond in the results. So now i am thinking about replacing the noisy parts.

Thank you so much for the information.

Answered By 0 points N/A #195297

My harddrive is very noisy


Commonly, hard disk produces noise as it spins up or spin down. Can you listen to where the sound comes from and identify if it's really a chirping sound or clicking noises. If it's not clicking noise then there is no problem with your HD. And also, can you tell when are the exact time you are hearing those chirping noise? Are you transferring data when it occurs? As it usually occurs when transferring data and this is just okay. Because the sound you are hearing maybe during the process of transferring that move your files rapidly.


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