My laptop is not turning on

After I connected my USB, my laptop doesn't turned on anymore.
It is still not running up to now. Is there a problem with the USB I connected?
Or should I check my battery for this?
Help me out please!!!

After I connected my USB, my laptop doesn't turned on anymore.
It is still not running up to now. Is there a problem with the USB I connected?
Or should I check my battery for this?
Help me out please!!!
There can be many factors that lead to this problem but it is definitely not due to connecting a USB to your laptop.
Please check the following:
if this doesn't help then change your battery or contact your laptop manufacturer.
When we say doesn’t turning on, there is no power flowing in your laptop. Check your power supply. The battery is the primary power supply of your laptop. Check the better if it is charged. You may perform removing the battery and putting it back just to make sure that the contact from your better to laptop is okay.
Check also the cable or the power adapter connected into your power outlet. You may also try to remove the better and plug-in your laptop with the power adapter for your power source. If still doesn’t work, you have a big problem.
BIOS flash might be also corrupted.
Try to search on Google on how to flash your BIOS.
 Dear Lindacollins,
It is a simple USB drive compatibility issue with the laptop. Try inserting different kinds of USB drives, if it works with few and doesn’t with others then don’t need to worry about your dear laptop.
Also you may have idea about USB 1.0 and 2.0. These are different versions according to speed. Leave that USB which is creating fuss. It is also not good practice to insert USB drive before restarting computer because in some cases BIOS starts reading it as drive and starts searching for boot files which take so much time and it seems system is not going to start anymore.
Take care.