My laptop gets too hot

My laptop gets very hot when I'm working on it.. do you know why?
Please give me a solution.
Thank you in advance

My laptop gets very hot when I'm working on it.. do you know why?
Please give me a solution.
Thank you in advance
Its very dangerous situation that you should beware of the laptop getting heated up because it may cause various hazards.Last year a man aged 25 ,got dead because of he kept the laptop in bed and slept of.Laptop get hot and it cause the bed hot and got fire.So never keep the laptops in bed or surfaces other than a table or anything like that. Its prolong use ,will disable the fan that is inbuilt in laptop .Hence it become hot very fast.So,now you have to use a cooling pad for your laptop and after that still the problem exists please show to a laptop mechanic.Be safe hence live safe.
Triclers Frost
When your laptop heats up while you are using, there could be a problem with the laptop's fun or the power supply that it is using. May be the power supply is damaged and therefore heats up, or you may be overcharging the laptop and thus making the power supply to get extremely hot. So you should check that.
If the problem is with the fan, then it could be damaged and hence not able to cool the system as needed and thus causing to get hot. You should check the fan, see if its fan feathers are damaged or dust has accumulated and repair it, or if it cannot be repaired then you will have to replace it.
Hope this helps.
Lee Hung
If your laptop becomes hot at the bottom, you don't need to worry, just clean the fan and it will be okay.
I recommend to buy a laptop cooler fan,its an accessory for laptop computers that helps reduce their operating temperature.
it rests beneath the laptop rests beneath the laptop.
if the problem persist, you may clean the heatsink, the dust can build up quickly inside the components.
Hope this solve your problem.
I had the same problem. Triclers frost solves my problem. You really gave a very good solution of this problem. Thanks a lot for the solution. You really rock… 🙂
That is normal and common issue because of the applications you use on your computer.
Regarding on your issue visit this Techyv link too to get more helpful information .
Why laptop becomes hot while playing?