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Posted on - 08/20/2011
I used my WIndows 7 laptop all day yesterday and I had no problems with it. This morning though, when I turned it on, it would restart itself repeatedly. At first I thought it was a virus, but my scan picked up nothing and someone suggested it was a hardware problem. Before I bring this laptop to a computer hardware shop, are there possible work arounds?
My laptop would restart repeatedly
Hi. Yeah, there is possibility to solve your dilemma. Did you have tried the safe boot? If not, this is the time to do it. Meanwhile if that is successful meaning there is a broken-down driver. You have to identify & re-install it from a safe mode. If safe boot is failed, there is another issue about genuine memory concern. You have to catch and check the RAM. Similarly, finally Windows 7 without SP2 is likely to get infected, which consequences in reboots. Please try to require that one then checked. Good luck and am sure that you will solve this issue. Bye.
My laptop would restart repeatedly
Hi Rheamae, indeed there are possible workarounds that will be used to solve your computer. Some of these are;
Booting your computer and pressing F8 to open up the computer's configuration and choose the last known configuration. It will revert to the last time you logged in successfully and your computer ran smoothly.
You may also open up/disassemble the machine. This you need to do when you computer is switched off to avoid electric shock.
Check on whether all your fans are running and blow off any dust with a blower to ensure its in clean condition.
Check your RAM. You may remove it then fix it back to see whether it will solve the solution
Restart your computer finally and ensure the cables are properly fixed. This should solve your problem.