My MS NetMeeting application keeps on failing
I’ve been using the MS NetMeeting and I’m encountering some problem now. The session keeps on failing. What will happen if NetMeeting application keeps on failing?
I’ve been using the MS NetMeeting and I’m encountering some problem now. The session keeps on failing. What will happen if NetMeeting application keeps on failing?
This tool provided by MS has some errors like it cannot properly handle some sort of stings which was sent on 1720 port. It may cause that your Central Processing Unit (CPU) busy to 100% at that event of attack and your session of NetMeeting would fail.
If your application of NetMeeting keeps on failing then it may that it is required for your application to restart to regain the proper functionality. Remote Desktop Sharing component which was included in this tool by default but now it is shipped with MS 2000 and by default this component is not enabled.
It might be a problem in your Directory Server, follow this step to get rid of it.
You can learn something about configuring and using NetMeeting from this eBook []