I want to buy this new Myth TV because it will help me to build my own media convergence box.Could it possible to install this Myth TV to my Linux?, or does it allows me to install other software to make it compatible to my Linux?
Please help me in my problem. Your suggestions will be deeply appreciated. Thank you in advance.
My Myth TV 0.25.1 OS
If you are to ask, is MythTv compatible for Linux? Yes is the answer. An advantage Linux has is that it is a free software kernel and mostly used with the GNU operating system.  Give it a thought if you would really want to build a MythTv box. Check out http://www.oreilly.com/digitalmedia/2005/06/22/myth_tv.html, here, you can find list and examples of hardware’s that been made to work and for system compatibilities, and read consumers response on how they were satisfied. MythTv can also be used by support of a remote control, just get a copy of LIRC (Linux Infarred Remote Control) software. Or some cases depending on the card capturer that you use, an infarred detector may have been included you just need to figure it out. Also check out the December 2005 issue of Linux Journal and read more details about MythTv.