My optical mouse stops moving turns the mouse pointer busy

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My optical mouse stops moving and turns the mouse icon into busy icon

Please help me to fix my mouse.

The mouse pointer suddenly stops moving even if I am moving the mouse and then turns the mouse icon into busy icon.

I am experiencing this since last day.

I just thought that the computer is busy for something that’s why my mouse behaviors go like that.

But as time goes by, I also encountered more additional problem like I cannot right click.

Is this a virus or the hardware itself?

Best Answer by Darwin Bright
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Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #81512

My optical mouse stops moving turns the mouse pointer busy


My mouse stops moving and turns the mouse icon into busy icon

I am very much convinced that your problem is not a virus. It is the mouse hardware is your problem.

I have experience with this issue before and I too, suspected that the problem comes with a virus but I proved that it is not.

Look at the back of your mouse where you can see a red light in the hole and a transparent fiber glass object on it.

That object will deliver the reflection of your mouse movement on the optical sensor of your mouse so that the mouse pointer moves from point to point in your screen.

Check for the alignment of that object, also check if it is in fix location or you can move the object.

If it is movable then that is your problem.

Open your mouse housing then find some ways to fix the object discussed above. You may paste the object, but avoid adhesive like Mighty Bond that produce white particles in the pasting area. This will damage the transparency of the object.

The mouse might be damage anymore.

Let the paste dried and then put back the housing and connect into your computer.

Answered By 15 points N/A #81513

My optical mouse stops moving turns the mouse pointer busy


When the mouse turns into a busy hour glass, that means the computer is busy processing something.

If the mouse stops moving, more like it's freezing, then that means the computer is really busy that even a process as minute as a mouse movement can't be executed together with what it was doing.

Try going into safe mode and see if the problem persists. If it doesn't, the cause of the problem is one of your applications.

Try to run a virus scan or a malware scan, these sorts of programs can make your computer really busy. If it's still happening in safe mode, the reinstall the operating system.

Safe mode allows for minimal processes to run for troubleshooting purposes, if it can't even make the mouse move properly with minimal resources used, then it must be corrupted.

Answered By 590495 points N/A #300758

My optical mouse stops moving turns the mouse pointer busy


If your optical mouse is a wireless mouse, it can be a sign that your battery is weak. The problem is, I have a wireless mouse and I haven’t seen my mouse behave like that when the battery is weak.

Normally, when the battery is weak, the pointer will just stop moving but most of the time the mouse pointer is hard to move like it will move then it will stop then move again and then stop. If your mouse is wireless, try changing the battery but if it is wired, try uninstalling it in the Device Manager. Right-click “My Computer” then select “Properties.”

Select “Hardware” tab and click “Device Manager.” Click the plus sign (+) to expand “Mice and other pointing devices.” Right-click your mouse and select “Uninstall.” After this, disconnect your USB mouse from the USB port and then connect it back.

Uninstall mouse driver

This will reinstall the mouse driver to the system. See how the mouse operates after this. If the problem continues, try the mouse on a different computer to see how it works there. If you see the same behavior, you need to replace your mouse.

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