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Posted on - 01/11/2012
My phone BB (Bold 9700) fell in to a puddle. I let the whole to dry for about 3 – 5 days. I had pictures and videos saved on. My problem is whether the SIM card stored these pictures and videos on it. If saved on the SIM card, can I use co-workers BB and use the SIM to enable me to get the pictures and videos back?
My phone BB (Bold 9700) fell in to a puddle.
Hi Fasodavid
Well i would like to tell you that everything which is stored in the cell phone is in its phone memory or the memory card. Besides that all the contact numbers and messages are stored in the sim card until its memory gets full.Other than the contacts and messages nothing can be stored into a sim card. That is the feature by default. So i would suggest you to check whether the memory card is safe or not also whether the phone is able to switch on or not. If it is possible to revive data than it can be done like this. Or else you should go to the nearest BlackBerry service center and get your cellphone check in order to revive your useful data. Hope this would help.
Thank you
Henrick Glace
My phone BB (Bold 9700) fell in to a puddle.
For sure you can retrieve your videos back by accessing the sim card from another phone. The problem though may be if the water entered the SIM card and therefore affecting it completely. But that might not be the case since what I know about most mobile phones is that videos and pictures are kept either on the mobile phone memory or on a memory card. So if you phone is able to work again, you might just need to check its gallery or the equivalent of that on your phone and see if you will retrieve your pictures and videos from there. And if by SIM card you meant memory card, then you just need to plug the memory card to another phone or computer to retrieve your files.
-Richard Gabriel
My phone BB (Bold 9700) fell in to a puddle.
Hello Fasodavid, I have read the issue with your BB (Bold 9700) being wet with stored pictures and videos. For 3-5 days drying doesn’t mean the water is gone. I had the same issue before when my phone fell into toilet bowl. The best way to let the water out form a cellular phone is through rice because they are the best desiccants. However, if your phone still works after you have dried it much better also. Regarding the stored or saved videos and photos they are not in your sim. They are stored directly to your phone you can still try and use your friends BB.