My system shuts down when on standby mode

Asked By 210 points N/A Posted on -

Every time I left my pc on standby mode, it crashes and needs to be turned on again to continue using it. The first thing I will do after I woke up is to turn it on then check my emails. After checking them all, I will head to the kitchen for breakfast then when I go back to my pc and it’s always off.

It’s very inconvenient always to always turn it on especially when I’m in a hurry.

Here are the specs:

  • Acer Aspire
  • Intel Pentium Dual Core
  • 500 GB HDD
  • 2 GB DDR3 Memory
  • Windows 7 Starter
Best Answer by Miloeveryday
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Answered By 0 points N/A #112173

My system shuts down when on standby mode



I have a little difficulty interpreting your problem. But just the same, I'll try to provide some possible solution to your problem. First thing that needs to be done is to check your power saving options. You can go to the Control Panel. Click on System and Security.
Then click Power Options. In there you can select your power plan and customized it. You can choose when to turn off the display or put the computer to sleep. You can also set them to never so that they don't sleep at all. Anyway assuming that you have already checked your power saving options and picked what works best for you. And you still have the problem. You might consider system restore if this problem is relatively new. 
It can either be due to a windows update or a driver update. Most of the time, it has something to do with the video driver. I don't have enough specification of your system so I'm also making some assumptions along the way. As I was saying, you can roll back the driver to it's previous version or you can also try uninstalling it and reinstalling the video driver using the drivers cd if you have them.
After reinstalling your video driver, check your power options again and see if the problem is still there. Sometimes there are also settings in the BIOS that affects the power saving options directly. But if you haven't made any changes in your BIOS and just started having this problem recently, it would be safe to assume that the problem is software related. It could really be due to a recently installed driver update or a recently installed software for a device or peripheral.
You can also try this quickly if you want to enable hibernation mode. Click the start button (windows icon key on the lower left). Go to all programs. Then go to Accessories. Then right click on the Command Prompt, then choose Run as administrator. Inside the command prompt window, type in the following power cfg -h on. This should enable hibernation mode.
If you want to restore your system settings to an earlier time. Click Start, go to All Programs, then go to Accessories, then click System Tools, then hit System Restore. This will restore your computer to an earlier time. You can revert back to the present state of your system by doing the same procedure in case it did not work.
To uninstall your video driver. Go to the Control Panel, then System and Security, then click the system icon. On the left pane, click the device manager. In the device manager window, double-click on the display adapter. That should expand the category and show your video device. Right click on your display/video adapter and then click uninstall. Restart your computer. Normally your video driver will be reinstalled automatically upon restart.
You can also try updating your video driver by going back to the device manager, same procedure, but instead of clicking uninstall, click on update driver software.
Answered By 5 points N/A #112174

My system shuts down when on standby mode


Charles the reason for causing this type of problems with the windows settings and with the firewall and hence check the settings whether any problem with the settings if so resolve the problem.

The other reason that may be occurred due to affect of Virus malware program its better once to scan your system with an updated registered antivirus so that the virus may be healed/quarantined.
If there are no any important files its better to just format the system and make it ready with an registered updated antivirus software as they can find virus and remove/heal the infected files.
Hence definitely the problem will be resolved and system turns normally in smooth running without error as the flow of execution will not be stopped.
Thank you.

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