I was trying to setup wince 60 registry ssl certificate on CE observer. I have set IsEnabled and CertificateSubject in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINECOMMHTTPDSSL. Other things are okay but I get Error =0x8009030d. What is the missing things may be? Please help me.
My wince 60 registry ssl certificate is not working
Hi Muller,
Thanks for your question
Here is the solution-
CryptAcquireContext function is used by SQL Server to support a handle to key containers, create key containers and destroy key containers.
By default CryptAcuireContext function create key in “RoamingMicrosoftCrypto..” under path mentioned in below registry
HKEY_USERSS-1-X-XXXSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser Shell FoldersAppData
If the AppData Key is missing or if the user don’t have permission in path mentioned in above registry or if user profile is corrupted we might end up with above error.
To narrow down the issue outside SQL-Server run the executable which will Open or Create key container if it doesn’t exist. If the exe fails look at error code returned by exe and troubleshoot further.
To check if the problem is because of corrupted profile modify the path mentioned in HKEY_USERSS-1-X-XXXSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser Shell FoldersAppData folder to a
different path and check if the exe is able to create the key container.