Why has my WordPress website favicon image always disappeared? I tried to place favicon image to my WordPress website, but whenever I save the favicon image in WordPress, but the website is not displaying the image. My friend said I need to use some PHP code, if that is true, what code should I use? And where will I put the code? Thank you.Â
My WordPress favicon Image always disappears
This problem seems to be more of a plugin or extension you used for WordPress site. The problem seems to be of due to the removal of digdig. Yes' sometimes if we remove digdig from WordPress site the Favicon disappears.
I advice you not to make any changes to your WordPress site unless you know exactly how to do it and you are expert in it. Many times even an expert in WordPress ruins the site and needs to setup it again, as WordPress is not a simple platform like blogger so it's best to contact your web developer to look into this problem.